















非法或不當名稱:用戶在遊戲中所設置名稱(包含:角色名稱、組織、寵物、商店…等)有低級、褻瀆、粗魯、辱駡、誹謗、人身攻擊、挑釁、種族歧視、猥褻及含煽情淫穢、不雅字眼、具威脅性、違反社會道德、帶有政治色彩及對國家元首名諱不雅或不禮貌、具有特定或商業廣告性質…等,或遊戲名稱與本公司工作人員名稱類似、企圖假冒或混淆與本公司關聯性 (例如:客服人員… 等相近字眼或諧音字眼),含影射他人ID,或以其他字碼、特殊符號輸入,刻意造成混淆或無法辨識者。
























本公司所代表之工作人員於線上執行勤務時,用戶如有影響工作人員於線上執行遊戲管理工作及勤務,本公司將對用戶之帳號作出停權的處分。 前開影響工作人員執行勤務之行為如:對 GM人員施以威脅、或以不當的言辭辱駡、企圖矇騙,意圖藉虛假的資訊以獲取利益,或不實地檢舉其他用戶的罪行等,如情節嚴重將追訴相關法律(刑事與民事)責任。







4、電磁資料記錄異常 / 配合司法案件調查

























































11  、透過非官方管道購買虛擬貨幣、點數卡等物品;














Game Management Rules

Game Management Rules

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

1. Users (hereinafter refer to as user, users or you) Shall abide by the Game Management Rules. If users violate the following provisions, we may permanently or temporarily suspend all or part of their right to use the network service depending on the severity of the situation, and users shall be responsible for all related losses of the in-game currency, virtual items and other electronic records in the account, and we (hereinafter refer to as we, the company or the official) shall bear no responsibility.

2. For users who violate the following provisions, we may suspend or terminate their right to use the accounts depending on the severity of the circumstances, and announce the violations on the game website from time to time.

3. If users fail to provide correct personal information, or the information provided is not up to date, we reserve the right to suspend their game access and game history inquiry.

4. The initial penalty provisions shall be subject to the following provisions. If there is a need to change the content of the Game Management Rules in the future due to the change of the policies and laws of the authorities, we will change the Game Management Rules according to the actual situation. The changed content will be announced on the home page of the game website and the login page of the game. User will be notified in writing or by e-mail, and the users shall agree to the changes upon notification.

5. If users have any doubts about the punishment imposed due to the violation of the following rules, they shall file a complaint with us within 30 days from the date of the punishment. The period of processing of the grievance will be calculated in the penalty time. If you do not make any claim within the time limit, you will be deemed to agree with the judgment and handling, and we will not reply to such issues and will not keep relevant records.

6. We does not recognize the results of account transaction between users privately. We have the right to permanently revoke and terminate the service if users privately transfer their account to someone else once verified by us. Users are not allowed to sell, transfer, or trade accounts between them, and any agreement to change the right to use the account is a violation of the game management rules. We shall have the right suspension the violators’ right to use their account pursuant to the heavily penalty provision in the game management rules.

7. The behavior of all user characters in the game are game behavior. If there is any dispute between users, we will not interfere excessively based on the neutral position. Users shall coordinate and solve the problem on their own based on game etiquette and ethics. However, if the situation is serious and affects the operation of the game, we shall reserve the right to make the final decision whether to intervene according to the situation. Violators will be dealt with according to this Game Management Rules.

8. If users’ virtual items transaction, fraud, or account hack in the game involves civil and criminal liabilities, we may restrict the use of your game account and related services according to the requirements of the judicial authorities, and provide relevant information in accordance with the requirements, including but not limited to temporarily locking the account and providing game history information.

9. If there is any abnormal behavior in the game, including but not limited to: abnormal acquisition, obtain or transfer of props, abnormal state of monster farming, the dialogue content involves account hack or any illegal activities, or any situations that may arise from suspected account hack, we will freeze the game account, once verified, in order to maintain the security of your and other users' game accounts. The person whose account is frozen should take the initiative to contact our customer service staff and provide the personal identification information consistent with the account login information for us to confirm, and after confirming that the game account is in normal use and has not been subject to account hack or illegal use, we will help you restore the use of the game account.

10. In the process of the game, if we find that there is a receipt or transfer of game currency or game props from abnormal sources, in order to maintain the security of the account and avoid illegal incidents, we will temporarily freeze the account. Please take the initiative to contact our customer service staff within 7 days of the account freeze to put forward an explanation. If you cannot make the explanation within the time limit, we shall deal with accordance to this Game Management Rules of using the account to engage in games in an unfair and unreasonable manner, or to collect illegal benefits.

11. Act of Violations

1. Using illegal or inappropriate words or characters, making illegal or inappropriate remarks, distributing pornographic pictures or texts, and other acts that violate laws and regulations

Use of illegal or inappropriate words Description 1

Illegal or inappropriate name: name set users in the game (including: character name, organization, pet, shop, etc.) are inferior, profane, rude, abusive, defamatory, personal attack, provocative, racist, obscene, indecent, threatening, contrary to social morality, politically charged and indecent or impolite to the head of state, specific or commercial advertising in nature, etc., or the name is similar to the name of our staff, or attempts to impersonate or confuse its association with us (e.g., customer service staff... or other similar words or homophonic words), including allusions to other people's IDs, or input with other character codes or special symbols, deliberately causing confusion or unrecognizable.

First violation

We will notify and require you to change the name. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving the warning will be forced to change the name. Please contact the customer service if forced name change happens.

Second Violation

The account will be suspended for 3 days and the name will be forced change.

Third Violation and Above

If there is no improvement after 3 or more violations, we will change the name and suspend the right to use the account for 7 days. The punishment will continue until the improvement has been made.

Use of illegal or inappropriate words Description 2

Illegal or inappropriate remarks: User post text or pictures that are inferior, profane, rude, abusive, defamatory, personal attacks, provocative, racist, obscene, indecent, threatening, contrary to social morality, political, indecent or impolite to the name of the head of state, specific or commercial advertising sent by users in the game's public channels (except for private channels)....or suspected of violating laws and regulations (such as aiding delivery, buying and selling drugs, firearms, and other illegal acts...)and so on.

First Violation

We will notify and require you to correct the violation. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving a warning will be mute for 3 days

Second Violation

Mute for 7 days

Third offense and above

Termination of game Services Agreement.

2. Using bugs to play games (including spreading and publicizing such behaviors).


Definition of BUG: Unnatural or unintentional mistakes (unannounced bugs will be identified by us), bugs in the game or imperfect rules, resulting in increased burden on the server or crashing, or make oneself or others benefit from it etc.


If a user discovers a bug issue without actively reporting and utilizes vulnerabilities in the game program or any other abnormal means to obtain or modify electronic records, obtain or copy virtual treasures, equipment, attribute abilities, experience points, character data, level ups, or any other benefits that increase in the game, disrupt game balance, or affect the rights and interests of other users, which verified to be true, will be returned to the previous correct status or revoke any improper electronic records obtained during the recovery period on our discretion, corresponding penalties will also be imposed depending on the severity of the situation, and relevant legal responsibilities will be pursued in accordance with the law.

For first offender, if the degree of improper benefits obtained through the use of bug is minor, and the user does not disseminate the bug, we have the right to suspend such account for 7 days after notification.

If there is a second or more violation, or if a bug is frequently used in the game, or if it is disseminated to others, or if the bug is used to obtain significant improper benefits, or if the illegal benefits may result in other situations that cannot be traced back, we have the right to terminate the game Service Agreement upon notification.

3. Malicious complaints or malicious obstruction of our personnel in game management, with no improvement after persuasion (depending on the situation).


When the staff represented by our company perform online duties, if the user affects the staff's online game management work and duties, our company will suspend the user's account. Any behavior that affects the performance of duties by our staff, such as threatening or insulting GM personnel with inappropriate language, attempting to deceive, attempting to obtain benefits through false information, or falsely reporting the violation of other users, will result in legal (criminal and civil) liability if the circumstances are serious.

First Violation

We will notify and require you to correct the violation. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving a warning will be mute for 3 days

Second Violation

The account will be suspended for 7 days

Third Violation and Above

Termination of Game Services Agreement

4. Abnormal electronic data recording/cooperate with judicial case investigation


In order to protect the interests of the user and the investigative power of the judicial authorities, if there is an abnormality in the electronic record or the investigation request of the judicial authority, we will temporarily suspend your account in good faith, and will immediately restore your right to use the account when the abnormal facts are eliminated, the facts are clear, or the investigation by the judicial authority is completed.

5. False registration information


Personal information must be accurately registered. If the account is registered with false data and information, we will not be able to provide relevant services, and you shall be responsible for any problems caused. If your personal information registered with us has expired or there is anything that needs to be updated, we may temporarily suspend your account, and immediately revoke your right to use the account after you updates the correct personal information.

First Violation

We will notify and require you to correct the violation. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving a warning will be suspended of account for 3 days

Second violation

The account will be suspended for 7 days

Third violation and above

Termination of Game Services Agreement

6. Using plug-ins (illegal programs) and promoting plug-ins, developing illegal programs, and maliciously tampering with game programs


Those who use all unofficial programs for gaming or indirectly receive benefits, spread, develop, or use plug-ins, shall be punished according to the following provisions after being verified by the official authorities, and we will rewind the electronic records obtained from such period.


If there is any invasion, interception, destruction, modification of the game program, or the use of various inappropriate plug-ins for game or promotion, development of plug-ins and illegal programs, malicious tampering with the game program, etc., we will immediately and permanently suspend the game account, and preserve record for prosecution according to law. If there is direct or indirect evidence that other users have benefited from the above circumstances, we may impose permanent suspension disposition on the beneficiary user's game account.

7. Using plug-ins (illegal programs) and promoting plug-ins, developing illegal programs, maliciously tampering with game programs, or using game bugs to cause malicious refunds or refunds without justifiable reasons

Malicious refunds, refunds without justifiable reasons Description 1

If you invade, intercept, or destroy the game program, or modify, compile, or change the original program of the game, lock or unlock the game, take advantage of the game bug, tamper with the game account password in an improper way, copy and change the package, etc., resulting in malicious refund or refund without justifiable reason, we may also remedy it in accordance with legal procedures.


First or minor violation

If the user fails to make refund within 3 days after being warned and notified, we shall have the right to suspend the account for 7 days and deduct in-game points or props corresponding to the user's improper acquisition or refund without justifiable reasons from the game

The second violation or the circumstances are serious

If the user fails to make refund within 3 days after being warned and notified, we shall have the right to terminate the game Service Agreement, deduct in-game points or props corresponding to the user's improper acquisition or refund without justifiable reasons from the game, and exercise the right to legal (criminal and civil) recourse.

Malicious refunds, refunds without justifiable reasons, Description 2

Any purchase of in-game items, including but not limited to game points, virtual objects, functional props, or decorative props, and immediate refund after obtaining the corresponding items, shall be deemed as malicious refund.


First or minor violation

If the user fails to make refund within 3 days after being warned and notified, we shall have the right to suspend the account for 7 days and deduct in-game points or props corresponding to the user's improper acquisition or refund without justifiable reasons from the game

The second violation or the circumstances are serious

If the user fails to make refund within 3 days after being warned and notified, we shall have the right to terminate the game Service Agreement, deduct in-game points or props corresponding to the user's improper acquisition or refund without justifiable reasons from the game, and exercise the right to legal (criminal and civil) actions.

8. Users who are suspected of illegally obtaining and buying and selling their money, props, accounts, and points in the game, or paying for points or in-game products through impersonation, fraud, or other fraudulent means


First or minor violation

If the user fails to make refund within 3 days after being warned and notified, we shall have the right to suspend the account for 7 days and deduct in-game points or props corresponding to the user's improper acquisition or refund without justifiable reasons from the game

The second violation or the circumstances are serious

If the user fails to make refund within 3 days after being warned and notified, we shall have the right to terminate the game Service Agreement, deduct in-game points or props corresponding to the user's improper acquisition or refund without justifiable reasons from the game, and exercise the right to legal (criminal and civil) actions.

9. Stealing other people's identity information for registration

If you use the identity information (including but not limited to mobile phones, telephones, addresses, ID numbers, etc.) of others to register and use the game services without the consent of others, we will terminate the game service contract with you, and you shall also bear the relevant legal responsibilities in addition to the termination of the game service contract.


First Violation

We will notify and require you to correct the violation. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving a warning will be suspended of account for 3 days

Second violation

The account will be suspended for 7 days

Third violation and above

Termination of Game Services Agreement

10. Attempt to buy and sell virtual items with cash in the game channel


If a user attempts to trade the in-game items, money, treasures, or accounts with others for cash, valuables, or accounts in the game channel, we will terminate the game service agreement with you, and we will seek compensation for any damage caused by you in accordance with the law. Special note: If a user is found to have created valuable items for trading, account coaching, commercial advertising behavior, website, communication software, specific place names, phone numbers, role names or personal store descriptions related to contact information, posting advertisements for other company products or engaging in sales activities, or having any of the aforementioned related content in the game or discussion area, it shall be deemed that the user intends to engage in this violation.


First Violation

We will notify and require you to correct the violation. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving a warning will be suspended of account for 3 days

Second violation

The account will be suspended for 7 days

Third violation and above

Termination of Game Services Agreement

11. Purchasing virtual currency, point cards and other items through unofficial channels


To protect the rights and interests of users, please do not purchase virtual currency, props, virtual treasures, monthly cards, or gifts through any unofficial authorized purchasing channels (including but not limited to trading platforms and game treasure dealers). We will not handle any issues or disputes arising from the said purchases, and will rewind the right to use the account (including electronic records) from both parties and pursue legal remedies.


First Violation

We will notify and require you to correct the violation. Those who fail to make changes within 3 days after receiving a warning will be suspended of account for 3 days

Second violation

The account will be suspended for 7 days

Third violation and above

Termination of Game Services Agreement


Mute: Banned from speaking of all the channels.

Suspension: Suspend the right to use the game account.

Termination of the game service agreement: Permanently unable to use the game account to play the game