



















1.      在遊戲主介面點擊【設定】按鈕。





2.      您也可以通過郵件方式申請刪除帳號。




1)  由您本人簽名或私章的申請檔(格式詳見附件一)

2)  可資確認之身分證明文件(如身份證、駕照、護照等)

3)  提供帳號歸屬證明:

a)  有儲值記錄者,請提供①近一年任意三筆儲值訂單截圖;②帳號暱稱、等級、電子信箱、帳號註冊時間、常用登錄地等基本資訊。

b)  無儲值記錄者,請提供①帳號暱稱、等級、電子信箱、帳號註冊時間、常用登錄地等基本資訊。



3. 用戶透過郵件進行申請時,提供之資訊需於遊戲內有帳號綁定,且與提供之資訊相符,滿足上述條件,客服才能協助進行後續作業。





 本人(      )申請刪除本人之《 》遊戲帳號,以及該遊戲帳號關聯的個人資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄等相關資訊內容。本人已知悉確認行使刪除後,將不能通過該遊戲賬號繼續使用遊戲服務或恢復被刪除的個人資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄。




Account Deletion Process

Account Deletion Process

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

For a user’s account deletion process to initiated, we the company will conduct the following verification to ensure the security of the user's account, and only after the following criteria are met will the company proceed with the account deletion process:

1.      The user’s account should be registered via official channel.

1.1  We only support users who registered their account in our game via official channel to use this process, users who registered through other channel (Apple, Facebook, Google, etc.) cannot request account deletion from us.

2.      The user’s account needs to be in a safe and uncontested condition.

2.1  The user’s account, up to the date of deletion request and verified by the company, is not blocked, stolen or subject to the risk of complaints and reports, and that there are no disputes over the ownership of the account.

3.      Game proceeds cleared or properly handled

3.1  Game earnings include but are not limited to in-game currency (yuanbao, etc.), props and other in-game purchases.

3.2  After completing the deletion process of the account through the method specified by us, we will refund the fees in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Game Service Agreement.

4.      Provide proof of account ownership

4.1  If you have a record of in-game purchasing, please provide ① screenshots of any three in-game purchasing in the past year; ② account nicknames, levels, e-mail, account, registration time, regular log-in location and other basic information.

4.2  For those who have no record of in-game purchasing, please provide basic information such as account nickname, level, e-mail address, time of account registration, and regular log-in location.

5.      Account Deletion Method:

5.1  Click the [Settings] button in the main interface of the game.

Click the Settings button and select [Account Information].

Scroll down to the bottom of the Account Information menu and click [Delete Account].

Read and agree to the account deletion reminder on the jump page and follow the instructions to cancel your account.

5.2  You can also request account deletion by e-mail.

The company's e-mail contact information is as follows:

[sanguo_cs@playbest.net ]

If you request account deletion by mail, you should attach the following information in the e-mail:

1)     Application document with your signature or personal seal (see Annex I for template)

2)     Identity documents that can verify your identity (e.g. ID card, driver's license, passport, etc.)

3)     Proof of account ownership:

a)      If you have a record of in-game purchasing, please provide ① screenshots of any three in-game purchasing in the past year; ② account nicknames, levels, e-mail, account, registration time, regular log-in location and other basic information.

b)     For those who have no record of in-game purchasing, please provide basic information such as account nickname, level, e-mail address, time of account registration, and regular log-in location.

4)     If the user appoints another person to act on behalf of the applicant, the user should provide a letter of appointment in addition to the previous documents, as well as proof of identity for both the user and the agent.

5.3  When applying by email, the information provided by the user must be bound to an account in the game and must match the information provided. Customer service will only assist in the follow-up process if the above conditions are met.

After you submit request for account deletion by e-mail and submit the required documents, the staff will contact you within five business days to verify the account usage rights, inform you of the points to note and reconfirm that the deletion request is for your own needs and not for the use or misuse by others. After the above is verified, your account and personal information will be irreversibly deleted within 15 business days (unless the minimum retention period stipulated by laws and regulations has not yet expired).


Annex I:

Account Deletion Request

I (    ) request for the deletion of my game account of "             ", as well as the personal data, information and related service records associated with the game account. I understand and confirm that after exercising the deletion, I will not be able to continue to use the game services or restore the deleted personal data, information and related service records through the game account.

