


卓悅網路有限公司,以及Playbest Limited(以下統稱「我們」)非常重視您的隱私權,在此載明您於使用本公司旗下遊戲、APP與其所附屬之網站活動時本公司如何蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料。如果您的居住地區位於臺灣,本政策的相對方為卓悅網路有限公司,並由其控制您的個人資料。否則您的相對方為Playbest Limited,並由其控制您的個人資料。







本公司就個人資料之蒐集目的在於進行用戶行銷、客戶管理、內部的統計調查與分析、用戶管理及其他合於營業登記項目或章程所定業務之需要 (法定特定目的項目編號為040行銷、052用戶管理、090消費者、客戶管理與服務、157調查、統計與研究分析、181其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務)等範疇。


1. C001 辨識個人者:如姓名、地址、電話、相片、電子郵件等。

2. C002 辨識財務者:如銀行帳戶之號碼等。

3. C003 政府資料中之辨識者:如身分證統一編號、護照號碼(外國人)等。

4. C011 個人描述:如年齡、性別、出生年月日等資訊。

5. C021 家庭情形:如婚姻狀況、有無子女等資訊。

6. C024 其他社會關係:如朋友、同事關係等資訊。

7. C035 休閒活動及興趣:如嗜好、運動等資訊。

8. C036 生活格調:如使用消費品之種類及服務之細節等資訊。

9. C132 未分類之資料:如檔案、報告等資訊。

10. 為了提供更佳的服務體驗,本公司將使用Cookies進行網站管理並就您的活動進行紀錄。 所謂Cookies,係本公司存放於您電腦中瀏覽器目錄內的小型文字檔案,僅本公司設置Cookies的網站能讀取其內容,並記錄您的活動紀錄、網站使用動態等。您可以透過您的瀏覽器設定以獲知何時Cookies被設置或拒絕Cookies的設置,但可能會導致網站某些功能無法正常執行。

11. 本公司網站及APP管理系統將紀錄您上網的 IP 地址、瀏覽器種類瀏覽網頁時間等軌跡資料,並依照個人資料保護法對相關軌跡資料進行保存。












1. 利用期間


2. 利用地區


3. 利用對象


4. 利用方式





1. 用戶交付本公司個人資料者,依個人資料保護法得行使以下權利:

a) 查詢或請求閱覽。

b) 請求製給複製本。

c) 請求補充或更正。

d) 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。

e) 請求刪除。

2. 您可通過向下述方式提出通知以向本公司請求查詢、閱覽、製給複製本、補充、更正、停止蒐集處理、利用或刪除的要求。





1)  由您本人簽名或私章的申請檔(格式詳見附件一)

2)  可資確認之身分證明文件(如身份證、駕照、護照等)

3)  提供帳號歸屬證明:

a)  有儲值記錄者,請提供①近一年任意三筆儲值訂單截圖;②帳號昵稱、等級、電子信箱、帳號註冊時間、常用登錄地等基本資訊。

b)  無儲值記錄者,請提供①帳號昵稱、等級、電子信箱、帳號註冊時間、常用登錄地等基本資訊。

4)  若委託他人代為申請者,除應備前開檔外並應出具委任書,且提供本人及代理人之身分證明檔。

3. 您可以向本公司提出刪除您的個人資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄的請求,但本公司可能需依據您的所在地之相關法規,履行法定義務而需進行保存。

4. 若您要求刪除您個人的資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄,且經本公司確認行使刪除後,本公司將不能繼續提供或恢復被刪除的個人資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄。






2. 若您自行通過本網站連結至其它網站,您應知悉協力廠商網站不受本公司管轄,本公司亦不對其行為負責。請注意:您自身提供給協力廠商的個人資料不受本隱私權政策制約,我們強烈建議您仔細瞭解協力廠商隱私和安保方面之協議或條款。






本公司保有依實際況狀修訂本政策之權利,當本政策有任何重大變更時將於本公司網站或APP上公佈,或以本公司認為適當的方法對您通知 ,煩請定期查閱,如您不能接受變更後內容的全部或一部,請您立即停止使用本服務,並通知本公司終止雙方間之遊戲合約。






 本人(      )申請刪除本人之個人資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄等相關資訊內容。本人已知悉本公司在確認行使刪除後,本公司將不能繼續提供或恢復被刪除的個人資料、資訊與相關服務紀錄。




Privacy Agreement

Privacy Policy

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

June Co., Ltd. and Playbest Games Limited (hereinafter referred to as "we") take your privacy very seriously and hereby sets out how we collect, process and use your personal information when you use our mobile games, apps and activities on its affiliated websites. If your place of residence locates in Chinese Taiwan, June Co., Ltd. shall be the counterparty to this Privacy Policy and controls your personal data. Otherwise, the counterparty shall be Playbest Games Limited and will control your personal data.

When you complete the registration and use of our user services, you are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to accept our Privacy Policy ("Policy"). If you do not agree with all or any part of this Policy, please stop using this service immediately. If you are a minor, please confirm that your legal representative has fully understood and agreed to the content of this Policy before continuing to use this service, if you continue to use this service, it means that you have obtained the permission or consent of your legal representative for the content agreed in this Policy.

Please read more about the Privacy Policy below.

A.   Scope of application

Our "Privacy Policy" applies to the collection, processing, utilization, international transfer and protection of your personal information when you engage in your activities on our mobile games, apps and affiliated websites, but does not apply to websites or webpages operated by third parties linked to our websites.

B.   The purpose and type of personal data we collected

Purpose of Collection:

We collects personal information for the purpose of conducting user marketing, customer management, internal statistical survey and analysis, user management and other business needs that meet the requirements of the business registration items or articles of association (statutory special purpose items are 040 marketing, 052 user management, 090 consumer, customer management and services, 157 surveys, statistics and research analysis, 181 other business in accordance with the business registration items or the articles of association) and other areas.

The personal data collected on our website and app includes:

1. C001 Identification of individuals: such as name, address, telephone number, photo, e-mail address, etc.

2. C002 Identification of financial personnel: such as bank account number, etc.

3. C003 Identifiers of government data: e.g. identity card number, passport number (foreigner), etc.

4. C011 Personal description: such as age, gender, date of birth, etc.

5. C021 Family information: such as marital status, whether there are children, etc.

6. C024 Other social relationships: such as friends, colleague relationships, etc.

7. C035 Leisure activities and interests: such as hobbies, sports, etc.

8. C036 Lifestyle: Information such as the types of consumer goods used and details of services.

9. C132 Unclassified data: information such as archives, reports, etc.


4.In order to prevent major harm to the rights and interests of others.

5.It is necessary for statistical or academic research by public institutions or academic research institutions based on public interests, and the data cannot be identified by the provider or by the collector according to the way in which the data is disclosed.

6.It is beneficial to the rights and interests of the parties.

7. Other necessary services provided to our partners for the provision of your gaming services, but such partners shall not use the data obtained for purposes beyond the scope of the Policy.

8. Other circumstances that we deem necessary.

D.   Period, region, target and method of use

1. How Long to Use

We will retain your personal information for as long as we operate. Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations, the period of use of personal information will be completed after you have completed your use of our website, APP and its affiliated websites, or until you request to stop using the personal information. The personal information of the participants of activities will be used for a period of three (3) months from the date of authorization of the participants to participate in the event to the end of the event. In accordance with tax laws, the personal information of the winners of the Contest will be kept for a maximum of seven (7) years and will be destroyed for no other purpose.

2. Where to Use

You understand and agree that in addition to being used in Taiwan, your personal data may also be transferred to the world due to the collection and processing of personal information entrusted by a third party to the extent necessary for the performance of the contract.

3. Who to Use

Unless otherwise stipulated by law, the personal information provided by you will only be used for the purpose of service you agree to, the scope of our internal connection, and the scope of Bonjour's entrustment to a third party for the purpose necessary for the performance of the contract, and the personal information provided by you will not be arbitrarily transferred to other third parties or used for other purposes.

4. How to use

After you register and/or play our mobile games, we will collect your various behaviors during the game, including but not limited to the personal information (such as email, gender, phone number), account name, game operation behavior, device information (including unique device identifier and advertising identifier, system language, model, system version number, root or jailbreak, resolution) provided by you when you register an account, including the time and items of consumption, Payment information such as order number, network IP address at the time of payment), Google/Apple/Facebook authorization information, login status, and other relevant information that must be collected to provide your user services and/or game play services, is used for the purpose of providing user services and/or playing games, including providing you with game-related information, marketing information about related products or services, etc. In addition, in order to provide you with a better service, we may conduct internal research on the number, preferences and behaviors of all users, which are analyzed based on the aggregate behavior of all users and do not analyze individual users.

If you visit our website or the websites of certain partners (hereinafter referred to as "third parties") and participate in certain promotions or giveaway games, we will collect the personal information you input, including but not limited to the information provided by you in the register. This data may be used to send giveaways or to notify winners of a prize. If you use our relevant user services, we may ask for your name, address, date of birth, ID number, contact number and other information to facilitate us to identify you and provide you with more accurate and effective service content. You should understand and note that the third party may jointly or independently collect your personal information with us in such activities, in which case, the legal relationship between you and the third party will not fall within the scope of this Policy, and you should confirm the content of the third party's privacy protection policy. We cannot guarantee the integrity and legitimacy of the third party's privacy protection, nor is it legally responsible for the actions of the third party.

In addition, we will enhance or combine personal data collected through the App and in the Game with information obtained from third parties and take steps in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, such as updating your contact information, completing market analysis or improving our products, services or systems, preventing cheat and fraud, monitoring harmful behavior, or for other purposes described in this Policy.

E.   Rights and Methods of Exercising Your Personal Information

1. If the user submits his/her personal data to us, he/she may exercise the following rights in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act

a) Query or request viewing.

b) Request for copies.

c) Request for additions or corrections.

d) Request cessation of collection, processing, or use.

e) Request deletion.

2. You may request to we to inquire, view, make a copy, supplement, correct, suspend collection, processing, use, or delete by notifying us as described below.

The contact information of the company's games is as follows:

"(請填寫三國殺英文名稱)": [ ]

"(請填寫萬妖領域英文名稱)": [ ][fly1] 

To ensure that you are the user themselves, please provide the following documents in the email body for our verification:

1)  An application document signed by you or with a private seal (see Annex 1 for the format).

2)  Identification documents (e.g. ID card, driver's license, passport, etc.)

3)  Provide proof of account ownership

a)  If you have a recharge record, please provide (1) screenshots of any three recharge orders in the past year; (2) Basic information such as account nickname, level, email address, account registration time, and usual login location.

b)  If you do not have a recharge record, please provide (1) basic information such as account nickname, level, email address, account registration time, and common login location.

4)  If you entrust another person to apply on your behalf, in addition to preparing the previous documents, you should also issue a letter of appointment and provide proof of identity of yourself and your agent.

3. You may request us to delete your personal data, information and related service records, but we may need to retain it in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of your location and to comply with legal obligations.

4. If you request to delete your personal data, information and related service records, and we executed the deletion, we will no longer be able to provide or restore the deleted personal data, information, and related service records.

F.   Impact of Your Rights and Interest on Failure to Provide Complete Personal Information

If you are unable to provide complete and accurate personal information, it will affect the contact between us and you, the transaction, the service we provide, to verify the identity or handle the consumption, transaction or customer complaints. It is recommended that you provide complete personal information and update it at any time.

If you fail to provide complete and accurate personal information, you shall bear all responsibilities for any damage caused to you and a third party, and if there is a dispute (such as false identity) due to false information in the future, the company will take legal action according to the situation. In the event that we suffer any damage as a result, we shall have the right to claim compensation from you.

G.   Data Security

1.We will try our best to protect the security of all personal information with reasonable technology and procedures that meet the current state, but personal data may still be subject to computer virus attacks and other security risks due to force majeure factors that may cause personal data to be obtained by third parties who have not cooperated with us or obtained our authorization.

2. If you link to other websites through this website, you should be aware that the third-party websites are not under our control and we are not responsible for their actions. Please note that the personal information you provide to third party vendors is not subject to this Privacy Policy, and we strongly advise you to carefully review the third party's privacy and security agreements or terms.

3. In any case, you should pay attention to keep your personal information carefully and properly, and if your personal information or privacy is leaked due to your own reasons, and the loss, damage or other adverse effects are caused thereby, the company will not be liable for any civil, criminal or administrative responsibility.

H.   Other relevant considerations

Please keep your password and/or any personal data safe and do not provide any personal information, especially your password, to anyone. If you share your computer with others or use a public computer, remember to close your browser window to prevent others from reading your personal information or letters.

You should be aware that all kinds of personal information that you voluntarily disclose online, such as publishing your personal information such as email and birthday in discussion forums, chat rooms, etc., may be collected and used by others. If you publish personal information that can be read by others online, you may receive emails and messages voluntarily provided by other organizations, and the transmission of such emails and information has nothing to do with we, and you shall bear the relevant risks and responsibilities. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password or any user account data, so please be careful and keep your user information safe.

I.   Revisions to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to revise this Policy according to the actual situation, and when there is any material change to this Policy, it will be announced on our website or APP, or notified to you in a way that we deem appropriately. Please check it regularly. If you cannot accept all or part of the changed content, please stop using the Service immediately, and notify us to terminate the game agreement between the two parties.

If you continue to use our user services after the revision of this Policy, it will be deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept the revised content of this Policy.



Annex I:

Personal Data Deletion Requests

 I (  ) apply for deletion of my personal data, information and related service records. I acknowledge that after June confirms the exercise of deletion, June will not be able to continue to provide or restore the deleted personal data, information and related service records.