








代表人:Yang Shang Learn






如果您的居住地為香港或者澳門,則您的契約相對人為PLAYBEST LIMITED(一家註冊並存續在中國香港的公司),其註冊地址為Unit A1 Of Unit A 11/F Success Comm Bldg. 245-251 Hennessy Rd, Hong Kong。



第一條 法定代理人





第二條 契約適用之範圍



第三條 契約之內容






第四條 名詞定義








第五條 遊戲服務





第六條 遊戲登入





第七條 契約解除權規定




第八條 計費標準、變更及其通知相關規定






第九條 本遊戲服務應載明之資訊








第十條 帳號與密碼之使用






第十一條 帳號密碼遭非法使用之通知與處理







第十二條 遊戲歷程之保存期限、查詢方式及費用





第十三條 個人資料



第十四條 電磁紀錄




第十五條 智慧財產權



第十六條 連線品質




第十七條 企業經營者及消費者責任







第十八條 遊戲管理規則







第十九條 違反遊戲管理規則之處理





第二十條 申訴權利





第二十一條 契約之變更







第二十二條 契約之終止及退費














第二十三條 停止營運





第二十四條 送達






第二十五條 管轄法院和準據法


如果甲方的契約相對人為PLAYBEST LIMITED,本協議的訂立、履行、解釋及爭議的解決均適用中國香港法律(不包括衝突法)。《國際貨物銷售合同公約》將不適用。甲方同意並承認,甲方與乙方之間的任何索賠或法律訴訟均應提交香港國際仲裁中心(Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre)進行仲裁,該仲裁中心應根據該委員會的仲裁規則進行仲裁。仲裁地為中國香港。仲裁語言為中文。仲裁裁決是終局的,對雙方均有約束力。甲方在此同意並放棄通過仲裁或司法判決對缺乏屬人管轄權和/或在審判地點和管轄權方面不方便的所有抗辯。





Service Agreement

Service Agreement

Last Updated on June 30, 2024

Special reminder: If you are a minor (under the age of 18), or a person with limited legal capacity or a person who has been declared with assistance, you must inform your legal representative (e.g., parent, guardian, assistant) to read and understand the content of the Service Agreement, and obtain the permission of your legal representative (e.g., parent, guardian, assistant) before proceeding.


Consumers (hereinafter referred to as "Party A", please fill in according to the user registration process)

Party A understands that once Party A clicks to agree, it means that Party A has carefully reviewed and understood all the terms of this Agreement for more than three days, and is willing to fully abide by the rules and regulations related to this Agreement and this Game.


Under this Agreement, if your place of residence is Taiwan, your contractual counterparty is June Co., Ltd (卓悅網路有限公司);

Name of business operator: June Co., Ltd (卓悅網路有限公司)

Representative:Yang Shang Learn

Business address: No. 119, Section 1, Chongqing South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei

Tel:[fly1]  02-2331-0685

Website: https://www.funtales.com.tw

Email: cs@funtales.com.tw

Uniform number: 90278168


The above corresponding Agreement counterparties are hereinafter referred to as Party B.


Article 1 Legal Representatives

If Party A is a person with limited capacity, this Agreement shall enter into effective after being approved by Party A's legal representative, and if Party A is an incapacitated person, the legal representative of Party A shall act on behalf of Party A.

If the legal representative of the person with limited capacity claims a refund due to the person with limited legal capacity purchases game credits without consent or if the incapacitated person does not have their legal representative pay on their behalf, the legal representative may prepare the supporting documents and submit an application in accordance with the announcement process on the official website, and refund the unused game credits of Party A after confirmation by Party B. However, if the person with limited capacity uses fraud to make Party B believe that Party B has legal capacity, this provision is not applicable.

Party B shall be clearly marked in Chinese on the homepage of the official website, game login page or purchase page that if Party A is a person with limited capacity or incapacity, in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1, Party A's legal representative shall read, understand and agree to all the contents of this Agreement before using this game service, and the same applies when the terms of this Agreement are changed.


Article 2 Scope of Application of the Agreement

Party B provides Party A's online game service and other related services (hereinafter referred to as the Game Service), and the rights and obligations of Party A and Party B regarding the Game Service shall be determined in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


Article 3 Contents of the Agreement

The following shall be deemed to be part of this Agreement and shall have the same effect as the terms of this Agreement:

1. Party B's advertising or promotional content related to the Game Service.

2. The rate table of the billing-based game and Game Management Rules.

If there is any doubt about the terms of this Agreement, it shall be interpreted in Party A's favor.


Article 4 Definition of Terms

Capitalized terms in this Agreement shall have the following meanings:

1.   Online game: refers to the game played by Party A through a computer, smart device or other electronic vehicle that connects to the Internet to a server designated by Party B. However, it does not include video game consoles, simple local network or other game services that do not require a network connection to a game server as defined in the Regulations governing the video game industry.

2.   Game Website: refers to the website established by Party B for the purpose of providing the Game Services.

3.   Game Management Rules: refers to the rules and account management terms established by Party B to regulate the way the game is played and do not affect the contractual rights and obligations of both parties.

4.   Game History: refers to the record of Party A's game performed by the computer system from the time Party A logs in to the Game to the time when Party A log off the Game.

5.   Plug-in: refers to a program not provided by Party B for the purpose of affecting or changing the operation of Party B's Online Game.


Article 5 Game Services

The game services provided in this Agreement are designated by Party B on a server that allows Party A to log in and use the game services through the Internet connection. However, it does not include the service of Party A applying for Internet access service and providing various hardware equipment required for Internet access.

Game accounts, game items, game equipment, game tokens, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Game Virtual Items") are part of the Game Services, and their ownership belongs to Party B. Party A has the right to obtain the right to use the Game Virtual Items under the premise of complying with this Agreement and specific game rules. If there is no special indication of the use period of all kinds of Game Virtual Item, it is assumed that Party A can continue to use them until the termination of the corresponding game services, and if the use period is clearly marked, the use period shall be subject to the period of the mark, and the Game Virtual Item will not be able to be used after the expiration of the term except for force majeure or reasons attributable to Party B.

All data and information generated by Party A in the use of Party B's game services (except for Party A's name, phone number and other personal privacy data information) shall be owned by Party B, and Party B has the right to store and manage it.


Article 6 Game Login

To apply for the use of this game service, Party A shall register personal information or other necessary information consistent with the identity document on the game website according to the application process. In order to ensure the rights and interests of Party A to use the Game Service, the information provided by Party A shall be verifiable and shall notify Party B immediately if it is incorrect or has been changed.

If it is necessary for Party B to contact Party A for the purpose of providing the Game Service, and Party A fails to provide correct personal information or the original information provided is not true and has not been updated, Party B may suspend Party A's game progress and game history inquiry service before Party A provides true information or updates information. However, this limitation does not apply if Party A can provide written proof that it is a party to the Agreement.

In some scenarios, Party B provides "Guest Mode" for users to quickly log in to the game, and Party A can quickly log in to the game without registering an account through convenient modes such as "Quick Game" and "Guest Login". Party A further acknowledges and agrees that Party A may not be able to recharge and consume under the "Guest Mode", so please bind Party A's account in time after logging in. If the account is not bound in time, once the game is uninstalled or reinstalled, or the terminal equipment such as mobile phones and computers is replaced or such terminal equipment is damaged, all game-related data and materials of Party A in the guest mode may be cleared, and it cannot be queried and recovered.


Article 7 Provisions on the Right to Terminate the Agreement

Party A may terminate this Agreement by notifying Party B in writing within seven days after the start of the game, and Party A does not need to explain the reason and bear any costs.

In the case of the preceding paragraph, Party A may request a refund from the toll channel for the unused paid purchase points or game fees, and the scope of the refund does not include the part of the game services such as the part given by Party B, the part that has been used by Party A to redeem for the lottery qualification provided by Party B, Game Virtual Items, game props, etc.


Article 8 Billing standards, changes and relevant provisions of their notices

The fee for this game service is calculated on a free-of-charge basis.

If there are points, goods or other services (e.g., virtual currency or treasures, advanced props, etc.) that require Party A to purchase additional fees in this game service (e.g., game store, online store, etc.), Party B shall announce the product information on the purchase page and the payment method on the payment page.

When the rate is adjusted, Party B shall announce it on the homepage of the official website, the game login page or the purchase page 30 days before the scheduled effective date of the adjustment, and notify Party A according to the contact information registered by Party A if Party A has logged in the contact information when registering the account.

If the new rate is higher than the old rate, the paid purchase points or game fees that Party A has registered on the official website before the effective date of the new rate shall still be charged at the same rate.


Article 9 The Information that Should be Contained in Game Service

Party B shall indicate the following on the homepage of the official website, the game landing page or purchase page, and the package of the game kit:

1.   In accordance with the provisions of the Game Software Classification Management Measures, the game rating level and the age group that is prohibited or suitable for use shall be indicated.

2.   Minimum hardware and software requirements for this game service.

3.   For those who provide safety devices, their free or paid information.

4.   For those who provide opportunities for direct or indirect, partial or full paid purchases of winning products or activities, their information on the activity content, awards, probability percentage of winning, quantity of rare products, and winning information should be recorded, and prompts such as "This is an opportunity to win a product, and consumers can obtain specific products without representation when purchasing or participating in the activity" should be recorded

The probabilities mentioned in the fourth paragraph of the preceding paragraph refer to the probability of obtaining the opportunity to win the winning product or completing the conditions set by the event after Party A pays in the game.


Article 10 Use of Account and Password

The account and password obtained by Party A after completing the registration process are only for Party A's use.

The password in the preceding paragraph may be changed according to the modification mechanism provided by Party B. Party B's personnel (including customer service personnel and game master) shall not take the initiative to ask for Party A's password. Party B shall retain Party A's account number and the electronic records attached to the account within 30 days after the termination of the Agreement.

If the Agreement is terminated for reasons other than attributable to Party A, Party A shall have the right to continue to use the account and the electronic records attached to the account after reusing the account within the period specified in the preceding paragraph.

Upon the expiration of the period in Paragraph 2, if Party A has not reused the account, Party B may delete the account and all information attached to the account, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.


Article 11 Notification and handling of illegal use of account password

If either Party discovers that the account or password has been illegally used, it shall immediately notify the other party and Party B shall conduct verification, and after Party B confirms the aforesaid circumstances, it may suspend the right to use the account or password, change the account or password to Party A, and immediately restrict the third party's right to use the game service.

Party B shall immediately notify the third party in the preceding paragraph to provide an explanation by means of an announcement on the official website, text message, email, push broadcast or other methods agreed by both parties from the moment when the right to use the game is temporarily restricted. If the third party fails to provide an explanation within seven days of receiving the notice, Party B shall directly recover Party A regarding the improperly transferred electronic records. If it is unable to recover the records, other mutually agreed compensation methods may be adopted, and the restrictions on the third party shall be lifted after the recover. However, if Party B provides free security devices (such as anti-theft cards, phone locks, etc.) and Party A does not use them or has other reasons attributable to Party A, Party B shall not be liable for recover or compensation.

If the third party in Paragraph 1 disagrees with Party B's handling in the preceding paragraph, Party A may handle the case through judicial methods in accordance with the reporting procedures, and Party B may restrict the relevant use rights.

When Party B restricts the right of use of Party A or a third party in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, Party B shall not charge Party A or a third party a fee during the period of restriction.

Party A shall bear all legal liabilities if the rights of Party B or a third party are damaged due to the false declaration.


Article 12 The Retention Period, Inquiry Method and Fee of the Game History

Party B shall keep Party A's personal game history record for a period of 30 days for Party A's inquiry.

Party A can apply for access to Party A's personal game history in writing, online, or in person at Party B's service center, and must submit personal information consistent with the identity document for verification, and the inquiry fee is free of charge.

Party B shall provide Party A's personal game history listed in Paragraph 1 after receiving Party A's inquiry application, and provide the information in a storage medium or in writing or by e-mail within seven days.


Article 13 Personal Data

The protection of personal information shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and the "Privacy Policy" established by Party B. Party A understands that when using this game service, Party A agrees that Party B will collect, process and use personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy.


Article 14 Electronic Records

All electronic records of the Game belong to Party B, and Party B shall maintain the integrity of Party A's relevant electronic records.

Party A has the right to use and control the electronic records described in the preceding paragraph. However, it does not include the transfer and income outside the scope of this game service.


Article 15 Intellectual Property Rights

All copyrights, patents, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, ownership rights or other rights and interests on the game service are owned by Party B or the original right holder, and Party A shall not reproduce, transmit, adapt, edit or use in any other form or for any purpose without authorization, except for the prior legal authorization of Party B or the original right holder, and the violator shall bear the relevant legal responsibilities.


Article 16 Connection Quality

If Party B plans to suspend all or part of the Game Service in advance for the purpose of maintaining the system, software and hardware equipment related to the Game Service, it shall make an announcement on the homepage of the official website, the game login page or the purchase page seven days in advance. However, this does not apply if it is temporary, urgent, or not attributable to Party B.

In the event that Party A is unable to connect to the Game Service due to reasons attributable to Party B, Party B shall immediately correct or repair it. If Party A is deducted from the game fee or in-game product during the period of inability to use, Party B shall return the game fee or product, and shall provide other reasonable compensation if it cannot be returned.


Article 17: Responsibilities of enterprise operators and consumers

Party B shall be responsible for maintaining its own computer system in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement in connection with the provision of the Service, which meets the technical or professional standards reasonably expected at the time.

In the event of damage to the computer system or electronic records, or abnormal operation of the computer system, Party B shall respond as soon as possible after taking reasonable measures.

In the event that Party B violates the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs or causes damage to Party A due to the bugs of the game program, Party B shall be liable for damages according to the circumstances of the damage suffered by Party A. However, if Party B can prove that it is not negligent, its liability for compensation may be reduced.

In the event of the occurrence of the situation mentioned in Paragraph 2 of Party B's computer system, Party B shall not charge Party A a fee until the repair is completed and the operation is normal.

Party B may not assist in handling disputes between Party A and a third party arising from the sharing of accounts or entrusting others to pay for the purchase of points.


Article 18 Game Management Rules

In order to regulate the way the game is played, Party B shall establish reasonable and fair Game Management Rules, Party A shall abide by the Game Management Rules announced by Party B, and both parties shall comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Changes to the Game Management Rules shall be made in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article 21.

The provisions of the Game Management Rules shall be invalid under any of the following circumstances:

1.   Contravene the provisions of this Agreement.

2.   Deprive or restrict Party A's contractual rights. However, this limitation does not apply to Party B's processing in accordance with the provisions of Article 19.


Article 19 Handling of violations of Game Management Rules

Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, if there are facts sufficient to prove that Party A has violated the Game Management Rules in this game service, Party B shall make an announcement on the homepage of the official website, the game login page or the shop page, and notify Party A according to the contact information registered by Party A.

Except as otherwise provided in the Game Management Rules, if Party A violates the Game Management Rules for the first time, Party B shall notify Party A to make improvements within a certain period of time. If Party B fails to improve after being notified by Party B, Party B may restrict Party A's right to use the game according to the severity of the violation in accordance with the Game Management Rules. If Party A violates the Game Management Rules again for the same reason, Party B may immediately restrict or terminate Party A's right to play the game in accordance with the Game Management Rules.

Party B restricts Party A's right to play the game in accordance with the Game Management Rules, which shall not exceed seven days each time.

In the event of any inconsistency between the penalty rules of the Game Management Rules and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail.


Article 20 Right to appeal

If Party A is not satisfied with the quality of the connection, game management, billing method, and other related services provided by Party B, or is not satisfied with Party B's handling in accordance with the Game Management Rules, Party A may submit a complaint to Party B's service center or by email or in writing within seven days from the day after receiving the notice, and Party B shall reply to the result within 15 days after receiving the complaint.

Party B shall specify the relevant contact information such as online customer service and email and 24-hour complaint channel on the official website or Game Management Rules.

Party A's complaint that a third party uses plug-ins or otherwise affects the fairness of the game shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1.


Article 21 Modification of the Agreement

When Party B modifies this Agreement, it shall announce it on the homepage of the official website, the game login page or the purchase page, and notify Party A according to the contact information registered by Party A.

If Party B fails to make an announcement and notice in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the modification of the Agreement shall be invalid.

Within 15 days after the arrival of the notice in paragraph 1:

1. If Party A does not object, Party B will continue to provide the game services according to the content of the Agreement.

2. If Party A expresses its objection, it shall be handled in accordance with Party A's termination of the Agreement.


Article 22 Termination and Refund of Agreement

Party A may terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Party B.

Party B may agree with Party A that if Party A does not log in to use the Game Service for more than one year, Party B shall notify Party A to log in 15 days in advance, and if Party A does not log in to use the game within the time limit, Party B may terminate this Agreement.

If Party A has any of the following major circumstances, Party B may terminate this Agreement immediately after notifying Party A according to the communication information registered by Party A:

1.   Use any system or tool to maliciously attack or damage Party B's computer system.

2.   Play the game in a way that exploits plug-ins, viruses, bugs in the game program, or other methods that violate the normal settings of the game or are not fair and reasonable.

3.   Paying for credits or Game Virtual Items through impersonation, fraud, or other fraudulent means.

4.   Those who have violated the Game Management Rules for the same reason for three or more times, and have not improved after being notified in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 19.

5.   Engaged in any illegal act found by the judicial authorities.

In the event that Party B makes an error in the determination of the facts mentioned in the preceding paragraph or is unable to provide evidence, Party B shall be liable for Party A's damages.

Upon termination of the Agreement, Party A may request a refund for the unused purchased game credits or fees from the toll channel, and Party B shall refund the unused purchased game credits or fees of Party A in the form of return to the original toll channel within 30 days, or handle the aforesaid points or fees in the manner agreed by both parties.

The scope of refund mentioned in the preceding paragraph does not include the part of the game services such as the part gifted by Party B, the lottery qualification that has been actually used and redeemed by Party A, the Game Virtual Items, game props and other game services, as well as the necessary costs and expenses arising from the refund.


Article 23 Cessation of Operations

If Party B terminates the Agreement due to the suspension of the operation of the game service, it shall be announced on the homepage of the official website, the game login page or the purchase page 30 days before the termination, and if Party A has logged in the contact information when registering the account, Party A shall be notified according to the contact information registered by Party A.

If Party B fails to announce and notify Party B during the period of the preceding paragraph, Party B shall provide other reasonable compensation in addition to refunding Party A's unused purchased game credits or game fees without deducting necessary costs.

In the case of the preceding paragraph, the scope of the refund does not include the part gifted by Party B, the lottery qualification that has been actually used and redeemed by Party A, the part of the game service such as Game Virtual Items, game props, etc., as well as the necessary costs and expenses arising from the refund.


Article 24 Service

Party A agrees that Party B shall deliver all notices related to this Agreement in accordance with Party A's registered contact information.

In the event of any change in the registered contact information as described in the preceding paragraph, Party A shall notify Party B immediately. Party B shall be delivered according to the changed communication information.

After the notification is sent by Party B based on the communication data logged in by Party A, it shall be deemed delivered if it reaches Party A in writing or if the email enters Party A's email server.

If Party B is unable to deliver due to Party A's intention or negligence, Party B shall not be liable for compensation for the damage caused by Party A's failure to serve.


Article 25 Jurisdiction over the courts and the law

In the event arising out of this Agreement, if Party A's contractual counterparty is June Co., Ltd., this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Taiwan, and both parties agree that the Taipei District Court shall be the court of first instance. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the application of Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Law and Article 28, Paragraph 2 and Article 436-9 of the Civil Procedure Law shall not be excluded.

If Party A's contractual counterparty is PLAYBEST LIMITED, the conclusion, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of HONG KONG (excluding conflict of laws). The Convention on Agreements for the International Sale of Goods will not apply. Party A agrees and acknowledges that any claim or legal proceeding between Party A and Party B shall be submitted to the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) for arbitration, which shall conduct arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of the Commission. The seat of arbitration shall be Hong Kong. The language shall be Chinese. The arbitral award shall be final and binding on both parties. Party A hereby agree to and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and/or forum non conveniens by arbitration or judicial decision.